Criminal Tax Files

003 - Does an Administrative or Grand Jury Investigation Make a Difference? - Robert Nordlander

Robert Nordlander, CPA, CFE Episode 3

IRS-Criminal Investigation has the authority to investigate tax crimes either administratively or grand jury.  Both have strengths and weaknesses for the prosecution and for the defense.  In this episode, I discuss both types of investigations, and how to evaluate them.

If you are interested in how IRS-CI evaluates its investigations, my recent book Criminal Tax Secrets is available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon.

Criminal Tax Files is a production of Nordlander CPA, PLLC.  The podcast is for informational purposes and is not legal or financial advice.  If you are interested in forensic accounting and the anti-fraud/anti-money laundering industry, the Fraud Fighter Podcast is also hosted by Robert Nordlander.  It is available on every major podcast directory.

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